October 9, 2010

Head or Heart?

I often hear people saying follow your heart, it knows the truth. Some on the other hand, speak of the head ruling the heart that's why, its important to think. 

I am standing at the crossroads at this juncture of life. i am what one would describe as a person who is smart, responsible and full of potential! Now that, in my opinion, sounds too good to be true. Simply because i'm a regular person who is just learning to know my identity, use the fundamentals i've been taught and to do things right. 

I have been at a wonderful job with a well reputed company that knows its employees are people. I have lots of thing at my disposal and freedom of taking as many leaves too just so that I come back with a renewed vigour to the job. I'm in an environment that has a lot to offer. Be it professionally or personally. I'm at one of the high points of the learning curve! But, yes there is a slight resonance of hesitation. i don't see myself as following a routine approach to things at a desk where i am doing the same thing at the same time as the time last week, month or year or for that matter in years to come. Am a kind of a person who is like many of this generation of gimme more! I don't like the thought of getting comfortable for too long but that also doesn't mean i don't get my siestas! ;) 

Lets see which is the road not taken. Robert Frost? Help! 

September 4, 2010

Seeking Wanderlust

Been thinking of travelling ever since I can remember... Going across the plains, the hills , the beaches and the mountains.. Clicking photos that encompass a wide array of human emotions with such passion that, I feel i'm living life! a life that's always longed for.

Now in case you wondering, what's holding you? Simple, my family. you can travel wherever you want when you get married! Hate this answer. Every time I'm about to book the tickets, a recce of the place is taken care of by my dad, find out the number of relatives known to us, who can help me out-mom. I mean, I just want to go with a couple of friends to a hilly village near Aruku or roam the beaches of Pondi speaking to a random French person- in French of course! ( irrespective of my meagre comprehension of the language!). Go to the far out deserts in Rajasthan and maybe sit out on the ghat at Banares and Kolkatta. Soak in the history in the forts and palaces spread out across the Deccan Plateau. that's all I want.. not too much to ask for a "independant girl of the 21st century"!
Money? what else am I working for? I think, should find a publisher who'd risk his reputation, let me tap into the writer in me and pay me for doing what I like! :D

Dreams... Sigh! Wander-lust! Double sigh!!

Guess its time to wake up and have coffee.. it's getting cold by the window sill...