This is a three part story of something that happened last year. I am growing from the entire phase and the man mentioned here is now a good friend with whom I can still laugh with and fret over. I have begun realising that I had fallen for him in the most tremendous manner possible and everyday I emerge from it. One baby step at a time. It truly is one of the most human experiences I've had and allowed myself. I do thank him for whatever he is and hope he can still tolerate my eccentricities for years to come.
"At Last! At last is all I can spout out this moment. I'm being charmed by the devil. He is sweet but has a dark side to him. He is adorable but has an agenda on his mind. He seems 'Oh! So Naive!' but is also quite aware of things. He is my muse for any story I write today.
He is my Vampire, my Cloud 9, my Hero and my Doom. He is Mr. BM. He is My Man. "