April 11, 2012

Stay by me…

We had to write a love letter. The person we were to writing to, is expected to say yes at the end of it. Now, how would you write it to convince him/her?
It was a part of an exercise on Ideating, Insight, Propositioning, Drafting. 

When the sun shines every morning, I think of you. 

When the sun’s rays touch my face, I think of your smile.
When the sun lightens up the gloomiest of days, I think of your voice.
When the sun touches the sky in the afternoon hours, I think of your grace and strength.
And… As the sun’s rays hide behind the sea’s horizons, I think of your love. 

I know it you had to move away for me. I cherish every moment you were with me. It is by the virtue of the truth. The truth that holds you close to my heart. It is by the virtue of love. The love that binds us just as it frees us. What else would be more virtuous than you my love? Bar the lies, the deceit and the jealousy. It does not lessen our love or strengthen our bonds. It the wall that separates us. It is the virtu of openness and warmth that encompasses our being. The virtue of you being who you are and me being yours. 

But now, everyday, every passing hour and every moment. I ask you to stay by me. Stay by me, Simply, stay by me. 

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