Dreams are said to be messages of the subconscious. It is up to us to listen to them whether we are awake or in deep sleep. It could be the vivid hopes and aspirations we wish to have in our lives.
I remember a story I was told of as a child. It was about Emperor Akbar and his trusted friend Birbal. It is said that once Akbar had a dream wherein an old Akbar had lost all his teeth but one. And when he asked Birbal about what it could have meant, he simply replied,” Sire, it means that you will succeed and live longer than all of your counterparts and relatives.” Pleased that he was, Birbal was handsomely rewarded by Akbar. He then took it in his stride and became one of the most recognized names in history .Truly outliving his counterparts and relatives!
Now, as a child I was amused at Akbar’s benevolence towards Birbal. Why did he have to reward Birbal for such an answer?
Today, I understand its value. A dream is what you make of it to be. It could be considered to tell us something of a positive note. We just need to realize this and achieve it. One dreams of many things. It could be a dream of becoming something worthwhile or our daily lives we have subconsciously noted as something significant. I dream of being… A person, who has worked hard to make each and every dream come true. A person, who sought to make a better example of herself amongst her peers. A person, who strived hard to achieve the very reason she wakes up for. I dream of becoming a person my peers would regard as an achiever, a winner and best of all a true dreamer.
I know I might sound like a zealous schoolgirl with a long way ahead of us. But, aren't we all looking forward to be better than what we were yesterday? I think we all need to just wake up to make the dream a reality. Set the template for more! Ting! :D