March 14, 2011

Turn Left or… what?

Its mid march and I realize I did not post anything. Simply because i was blanked out. Now i am back after having had a long new year bash and a Valentine Wishlist being published. (That’s right-Me officially published!) Its Mid-March and I did something. I went on a vacation on my own! It was in Mumbai where I stayed over at a very generous friend’s house. Generous? 3 days of binge drinking and sitting sober. (true story!) That’s how I spent a weeklong of Me-Time! The year of the Rabbit does suit me after all! All about spending some me time especially after slogging it out in an office. In case of emergency, i was available in the office. Now, I at home. Doing absolutely nothing but getting myself together and actually figuring out what is it that I want! Do i want the bg moolah to spend on frivolous purchases or to seek out the reason for my now-finite creativity? Well, I also need to do a specialization. THe question reared its ugly head. what exactly? Advertising or PR? Communication studies or new Media Studies or your  fanatasy of Film studies where you’d end up being despised as a critic?
Confused as ever. 

December 31, 2010

Happy New Year?

This year is ending. Nothing new I could say. Why?
We have the same old New Year Resolutions and vows to ourselves for a better versions of what we are. They might not even survive post a week of celebratory felicitations.
But I still have made one. One to shut up! If you know me, you'd know it a gargantuan task. However, when I say I will shut up, I mean I will not talk out of turn, and not post random comments on Facebook. I will try to be a better listener to my friends and maybe the family too. I ramble a lot and you can see the posts I have put up are lots of the rambling rants.

Again, don't these rambling rants become fodder for the inane? I think so. So what the heck! I'll do the only thing I happen to be bearable at. And that is Ramble in the Bronx!
So much for a new year resolution! Ha!